Soner Bekir

With over thirty years of IT experience, four languages and the experience of having built a multinational consulting group with 150 staff split over seven countries and three continents at its’ height, Soner has the kind of practical experience, knowledge and understanding of international operations that are difficult to obtain without having lived the journey. Currently resident in Australia, but with roots in the UK, NL and ES, Soner considers himself to be a citizen of the world and is interested in mentoring those starting on their journeys to help pass on what little he has learnt.

Conchita Fuente

Having worked with Soner for the past thirty years Conchita has an implicit understanding of his strengths and weaknesses. Conchita brings a wealth of administrative, finance and HR experience garnered over thirty years in the Netherlands, Spain, the UK and Australia. She brings order and organisation to the table and an understanding of what “good” looks like when organising the finance and administration of new entities.